Introducing the Hillarys Protected Entertainment Precinct
30 September 2022

We’re protecting Hillarys from violence.
Next month the McGowan Government will be introducing legislation that will establish Hillarys Boat Harbour and its surrounds as one of five Protected Entertainment Precincts (PEP).
The new laws will enhance safety by introducing a no-tolerance approach to violence or predatory behaviour. Those found guilty of a serious crime in a PEP will be excluded from ALL entertainment precincts for 5 years.
This will protect people who are going out for a good time in these areas so they can go about their business safely.
Mandatory exclusion from these areas will apply to anyone convicted of various violent and sexual offences within the precincts, such as murder, sexual penetration without consent and unlawful assault causing death, along with drink spiking offences, for a period of five years after they are released from prison. Breaches of this exclusion face a penalty of up to five years imprisonment and a $12,000 fine.
Police can also issue an order to exclude someone for up to six months, and further apply for an order of up to five years.
Exclusion orders can apply when:
- a person behaves in an unlawful, antisocial, disorderly, offensive, indecent and threatening way in a precinct; and
- the person being in the precinct could cause violence or public disorder or impact the safety of others.
The penalty for breaching short-term and extended exclusion orders is up to two years imprisonment, and a fine of $12,000.
For more information click here.