Caitlin was born in Scotland to an Irish Mother and a Scottish Father. They moved to Australia in 1992 in search of better opportunities for their family. Caitlin grew up in Perth and studied history, politics and international relations at university with first class honours. She then pursued a teaching qualification in order to share her passion for civics.

Caitlin spent time overseas and has taught extensively in India, Colombia and Vietnam and completed a Parliamentary internship in Ireland. These experiences have shown her the power of education and the importance of democracy. Upon returning to Western Australia, Caitlin taught history and politics at local high schools.

She lives in Padbury with her partner Jack and their dog Lenny. You may have seen them at the local dog park or at a local coffee shop. 

Since being elected to Parliament, Caitlin has worked hard to deliver results for our community. 

She has served as a Member of the Education and Health Standing Committee, as an Acting Speaker of the Legislative Assembly and is now the Secretary of the State Parliamentary Labor Party.